OpenStreetMap braucht neue Server
Gestern habe ich bei Robert gelesen, dass es bei einen Spendenaufruf für neue Server gibt.
It’s upgrade time! OpenStreetMap is growing, servers are projected to hit capacity by mid 2015. OpenStreetMap is a global community of dedicated and resourceful people, giving their time to make the best map of the world. Those mappers’ contributions are the largest part of the project. However, contributors need infrastructure such as a repository to share their contributions and services that help them make the map and talk to each other. We are raising funds to keep these services running and improve them, so that everyone else can continue making an amazing map.
Stand am 8.6.2015 um 19:15 Uhr ist £ 28,336 of £56,000 goal. Ihr habt also noch Gelegenheit, euer Geld los zu werden.
btw: Ich bin einer der anonymen 15 €-Spender.
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